Sunday, November 13, 2011

Single and Not Looking

Welcome to my blog that celebrates the single life....specifically, *my* single life.

Why did I create this blog? Well, as someone in my mid-20's (and I've been informed by a friend that this is the last year I can say "mid" rather than "late", damn it) who's been through a few serious mistakes relationships, I find myself at a time in my life where I appreciate being single.

Sure, everywhere I look people are happily walking hand-in-hand down the street. And yes, every time I go out to a group event, such as a birthday party (or more accurately, the last three birthday parties I've attended...), my friends all bring their significant others. And okay, maybe it would be nice to have someone to go with to the newest (Ryan Reynolds) rom-com on a Friday night rather than sitting in the back of the theatre by myself on a Sunday afternoon (*cough* not based on a true story, really)...

But, the point is, I'm not bitter. I'm not jealous. I'm not even annoyed!

In fact, I love hanging out with my peeps in committed relationships (yes, I just used peeps) because it inspires me to want to find a special someone to share my time (and awesome ocean-side apartment and fancy lawyer lifestyle and did I mention I love long walks on the beach and puppy dogs?) with.

But just not yet.

So this blog is for me to lay out my plans for the next six months, and particularly my plans for personal growth and self-development (Hey! Stop rolling your eyes!). I choose a six month time-frame to coincide with a few important milestones: 1) The six months end around my next birthday; 2) The six months end around the time that I will *finally* qualify as a lawyer, and 3) The six months end around the start of spring/summer which is way funner for dating anyway (I'm thinking drinks on a patio and lounging on a beach. Man I miss summer).

I will still probably go on dates (based on my track record of having declared "I'm staying single!!" or variations of numerous times only to end up with more love interests than I can handle...not to brag or anything ;)), but I'll be aiming to keep things casual with any folks that come into my life.

Well that's probably enough for one post. My next post will set out some of my goals. Cause you gotta have goals!


  1. Yay! You are now an honorary member of my one person Singletons Society, heehee. :D

    If you lived in Alberta, winter would be a wonderful time to date! Cold and dark outside, but inside - fireplace, fuzzy sweaters, warm drinks, a little jazz...BOW CHICKA WOW WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. :P



  2. I am also a part of this Singletons Society!
    I look forward to reading your achievement of all the goals you have!
