Saturday, November 19, 2011

Mistaken Sexuality

Coming out has been an interesting, ongoing, and sometimes very difficult journey for me.

In high school, I was never comfortable enough with myself, or secure enough about my friendships, to tell many people the truth. During undergrad, I simply avoided the issue altogether, even though I was in a serious relationship for those four years. Since moving to Vancouver, however, I have been much, much more open about who I really am.

Which is why I'm slightly perplexed and amused about a current situation I'm in. Let me explain:

So I have a pretty good friend from law school that I've had the pleasure of hanging out with on many an occasion. I have met his wife quite a few times now as well, and it's always great to see her too.

Both of these people are tremendously cool. They are a few years older than me, have lived overseas, have had tons of different experiences, and are generally very accepting and open-minded.

However, over the 2-3 years that I have known them, they have somehow gotten the wrong impression about what 'team' I play on, so to speak. And for some reason, I have never been able to correct them.

It should have been easy. The first time they made an inaccurate statement, I should have jumped in and made a simple correction. In a funny and self-deprecating way, even. But I didn't.

It's like when you meet people once, and forgot their name shortly afterwards. And then you continue to see them around, and don't take the opportunity to clarify. And after a few more times of seeing them, you have lost all window of opportunity to ask them for their name again without seeming like an inconsiderate d-bag.

Well anyway, at this point, I might just have to sit down with my friend and his wife someday soon, set the mood with some nice wine, engage in some mindless yet intelligent chit-chat, and then look them both in the eyes, clear my throat, and say:

"Um, I don't know how to say this eloquently.
But you may have the wrong idea about me.
See, the thing is...
I mean I have to confess...
I just have to get this off my chest....
[and here's where I would look around a little ashamedly]...
well the truth is: I LIKE DUDES TOO!"

I just hope they'll understand... :P.

1 comment:

  1. I bet they will. And will flash back to previous conversations and realize they didn't pick up on little hints like when you said the lead actor of that play was so hot!
